Sunday, January 3, 2016


I have been trying to figure out what type of New Years goals I could do. Having ALS means that many of the usual ones are not going to work.
1.  Exercise - I wish. I mean really that would be fabulous.
2.  Lose weight. Doctor says don't do it, and I have made a resolution to be a good patient.
3. Be at home more rather than spending too much time at work. - yup already doing that.
4. Make sure my wife knows I love her - work in progress.
5. Spend more meaningful time with my kids -  again work in progress.
6.   Get better. - As soon as a cure will is identified I am on it.
7. Talk to mom more often -  now that might be a good one.
8. Give up chocolate - I think not.
9.  Watch more movies- only if it is with my kids or Anne
10. Read books that don't have dragons or wizards- That might be a good one but I will end up sleeping more often.

Well that is quite a bit to think about and I might even do a few of them. Really though I am thinking of simplifying my life. I am sure you are thinking that my life is already simple. I mean really, what does a guy who can't move his arms or legs do. I know  I don't do much but I always seem to find something that is not important to do rather than doing what I should be doing.

So here is what I am thinking.
I resolve to cut out the things that take me away from doing what is right. What I mean is that I will simplify my priorities. So it means spending more time with family and friends and helping out with what ever I can.
So it is that and not allowing my son to ever beat me at chess again. Yup he caught me off guard.
Oh and to eat more fattening food. You know because I have to keep on the weight.
I hope you all had a happy holiday and hope your new year ends up being as pleasant as the holidays. If your holidays were not pleasant then I hope you change your attitude and stop being so uptight. If you do that and focus on making others happy you will find out that life actually is pleasant.


  1. Jon, You are an amazing man! God Bless you in your Resolutions for the New Year! I wish we all had your sense of humor and positive attitude. Thank You for letting us know you. (Kerrie's Mom)

  2. Great thoughts Jon, amen Brother

  3. Thank you for your resolutions! They are what this life is about- serving others! You and your family are amazing and so inspirational. I have shared your blog with many people at work and they think you are amazing. Thank you for being you!
    -love you- Mesha (Whaley)
