Saturday, September 6, 2014


Jon with Abby and Katie on one of our favorite Utah hikes... Adam's Canyon. Summer of 2012.

Yesterday was our annual church picnic and canoe trip down the St. Croix River. We love this day. We typically spend a lot of time outdoors - Canoeing, camping, Boundary Waters, backpacking, hiking, etc. Today was one of the rare occasions we really felt sad. A sense of loss about not being able to be on the river.

Jon just isn't stable enough to get into the canoe, doesn't have the strength to paddle, and couldn't handle sitting on a canoe seat for any period of time. So this morning we sent our 2 boys along with our two canoes for a morning on the river. We arrived and talked about how high the water is...longingly. The St. Croix is moving fast. It would have been a fun trip.

Here's the hard truth. I'm not grateful that Jon has ALS. But I don't believe we need to be grateful FOR our trials, we need to be grateful IN our trials. Our happiness can't hinge on our circumstances. We can choose to live at the mercy of what happens to us, or we can choose to live a life of happiness.

Sometimes we feel sad. It doesn't change the fact that we choose to be happy.

Watch this for great perspective on gratitude. Click here if you can't see the video!


  1. Thanks Anne & Jon... I needed this!! You two are such an inspiration!

  2. Dear Anne,

    It's me. Holly Weston. I don't usually comment on blogs because I want to stay so private - but I don't have your current email address. First - your picture in Adams Canyon. We love Adams Canyon! We have countless photos of hiking Adams Canyon. Getting all the way to the waterfall is so rewarding and fun! We also love canoeing! And - canoeing the Boundary Waters is on my bucket list. I loved Pres. Uchtdorf's talk and have loved your perspective. Every time I check your blog for a new post - I admit - I cry a little. I pulled out my photo album from 1997 and looked at all the wedding photos I have in there of you and Jon. Sure would love to see you! You're in my prayers all the way - and my heart for always!

  3. Someone made a comment to me along these lines today:
    A certain young man asks Jesus "Lord, what shall I do to inherit eternal life". The Lord listed the commandments. The man replied "I have done all these from birth, what more?". Thoughtfully and gently the Lord told the man to sell all that he hath and come follow him. The story ends with the wealthy man turning away grieving that this was a hard thing. But that was not the end of the story. Many have done the hardest tasks. We don't know that he didn't. It may have required late nights of soul wrenching prayer to change his heart. Enduring to the end is the HARDEST commandment. It didn't say skipping and frolicking along the path for a reason. "I never said it would be easy..." I love you all SO much
