If there is one thing I want people to take away from this blog it's that anything good you see from it has nothing to do with who we are, and everything to do with who Jesus Christ is.
It wasn't long into this process that I had a profound realization. We really have been OK. We are enjoying life and loving it in spite of the changes Jon is constantly experiencing and what we know lies ahead. One day I stopped and pondered how that could be. How can one face this kind of consuming, overwhelming trial, and be OK? Not just OK... great! We are living, laughing and enjoying life. The message that came to me was so powerful.
The atonement of Jesus Christ.
Because of Him, we can have peace and joy in this life regardless of the challenges we face. Christ already suffered for the hard things Jon will face, so Jon doesn't have to suffer now. Christ has already born my grief and pain, so I don't have to feel them now. Christ did not take away our challenges and trials, but he suffered the heartache, so we don't have to.
That's it. Any good that you see in us is possible because of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Any good that you feel is Because of Him.
Edit: I understand that some are not seeing the video in the post. Click here to see it!
Edit: I understand that some are not seeing the video in the post. Click here to see it!
ALL the good we see in your family is because you're APPLYing the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The Atonement is the best kept secret in the gospel; you're family has discovered that. You've always demonstrated grace and faith through your challenges; this trial has been no different. THANK YOU for your beautiful examples. LOVE you all.